Papers & Books
- Egusa T, Ohte N, Oda T, Suzuki M. (2016).
Quantifying aggregation and change in runoff source in accordance with catchment area increase in a forested headwater catchment. Hydrological Processes. (Accepted)
- Urakawa R, Ohte N, Shibata H, Isobe K, Tateno R, Oda T, Hishi T, Fukushima K, Inagaki Y, Hirai K, Oyanagi N, Nakata M, Toda H, Tanaka K, Kuroiwam M, Watanabe T, Fukuzawa K,Tokuchi N, Ugawa S, Enoki T, Nakanishi A, Saigusa N, Yamao Y, Kotani A. (2015).
Factors contributing to soil nitrogen mineralization and nitrification rates of forest soils in the Japanese archipelago. Forest ecology and Management, 361, 382-396.
- Hiraoka M, Gomi T, Oda T, Egusa T, Uchiyama Y. (2015).
Responses of bed load yields from a forested headwater catchment in the eastern Tanzawa Mountains, Japan. Hydrological Research Letters 9(3), 41–46.
- Urakawa R, Ohte N, Shibata H, Tateno R, Hishi T, Fukushima K, Inagaki Y, Hirai K, Oda T, Oyanagi N, Nakata M, Toda H, Tanaka K, Fukuzawa K, Watanabe T, Tokuchi N, Nakaji Y, Saigusa N, Yamao Y, Nakanishi A, Enoki T, Ugawa S, Hayakawa A, Kotani A, Kuroiwa M, Isobe K. (2015).
Biogeochemical nitrogen properties of forest soils in the Japanesearchipelago. Ecological Research, 30, 1-2.
- Isobe K, Ohte N, Oda T, Murabayashi S, WeiWei, Senoo K, Tokuchi N, Tateno R. (2015).
Microbial regulation of nitrogen dynamics along the hillslope of a natural forest. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2, 63, 1-8.
- Sato T, Tanaka N, Tanaka K, Igarashi Y, Yoshifuji N, Suzuki M, Tantasirin C. (2015).
Applicability of the thermal dissipation method (TDM) for sap flow measurement in teak trees. Bull. Univ. of Tokyo For, 133, 1-18.
- Fang Y, Koba K, Makabe A, Takahashi C, Zhu W, Hayashi T, Hokari A, Urakawa R, Bai E, Houlton B Z, Xi D, Zhang S, Matsushita K, Tu Y, Liu D, Zhu F, Wang Z, Zhou G, Chen D, Makita T, Toda H, Liu X, Chen Q, Zhang D, Li Y, Yoh M. (2015).
Microbial denitrification dominates nitrate losses from forest ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112, 1470-1474.
- 浦川梨恵子, 木下浩幸, 金子 稔, 熊倉 充, 桑原 誠, 岩本隆行, 渡辺直明, 吉田智弘, 戸田浩人 (2015).
東京農工大学フィールドミュージアムにおける森林地域の気象観測記録(2003~2013). フィールドサイエンス, 13, 17-29.
- Shi J, Ohte N, Tokuchi N, Isobe K, Urakawa R, Imamura N, Oda T, Suzuki M. (2015).
Soil nitrogen transformation dynamics in a suburban forest near Tokyo Metropolitan Area under high nitrogen deposition: A case study using stable isotope tracer techniques. Bull. Univ. of Tokyo For, 132, 17-34.
- Hishi T, Tashiro N, Maeda Y, Urakawa R, Shibata H. (2015).
Spatial patterns of fine root biomass and performances of understory dwarf bamboo and trees along with the gradient of soil N availability in broad-leaved natural forests and larch plantations. Plant Root, 9, 85-94.
- Shi J, Ohte N, Tokuchi N, Imamura N, Nagayama M, Oda T, Suzuki M. (2014).
Nitrate isotopic composition reveals nitrogen deposition and transformation dynamics along the canopy–soil continuum of a suburban forest in Japan.
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 28, 1-11.
- Hishi T, Urakawa R, Tashiro N, Maeda Y, Shibata H. (2014).
Seasonality of factors controlling N mineralization rates among slope positions and aspects in cool-temperate deciduous natural forests and larch plantations. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 50, 343-356.
- Urakawa R, Shibata H, Kuroiwa M, Inagaki Y, Tateno R, Hishi T, Fukuzawa K, Hirai K, Toda H, Oyanagi N, Nakata M, Nakanishi A, Fukushima K, Enoki T, Suwa Y. (2014).
Effects of freeze-thaw cycles resulting from winter climate change on soil nitrogen cycling in ten temperate forest ecosystems throughout the Japanese archipelago. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 74, 82-94.
- 小田智基, 鈴木雅一, 内山佳美 (2013).
東丹沢大洞沢試験流域における水収支・流出特性 : 地下部における水移動の影響, 神奈川県自然環境保全センター報告, 10, 47-52.
- 小田智基, 鈴木雅一, 内山佳美 (2013).
東丹沢大洞沢試験流域における窒素流出機構, 神奈川県自然環境保全センター報告, 10, 53-57.
- Oda T, Suzuki M, Egusa T, Uchiyama Y. (2013).
Effect of bedrock flow on catchment rainfall-runoff characteristics and the wa
ter balance in forested catchments in Tanzawa Mountains, Japan. Hydrological Processes, 27, 3864-3872.
- Egusa T, Ohte N, Oda T, Suzuki M, (2013).
Relationship between catchment scale and the spatial variability of sream discharge and chemistry in a catchment with multiple geologies. Hydrological Research Letters, 7(2), 12-17.
- Asada K, Eguchi S, Urakawa R, Itahashi S, Matsumaru T, Aoki K, Nakamura K, Katou H. (2013).
Modifying the LEACHM model for process-based prediction of nitrate leaching from cropped Andosols. Plant and Soil, 373, 609-625.
- 五味高志, 小田智基, 鈴木雅一, 平岡真合乃, 宮田秀介, 内山佳美, 山根正伸 (2012).
丹沢山大洞沢観測流域における水と土砂動態観測, 砂防学会誌, 65(1), 73-79.
- Sato T, Oda T, Igarashi Y, Suzuki M, Uchiyama Y. (2012).
Circumferential variations of sap flow in the tree trunk in Japanese cedar and Japanese cypress standing on the steep slope land.
Hydrological Research Letters, 6; 104-108, doi: 10.3178/HRL.6.104.
- Sato T, Egusa T, Fukushima K, Oda T, Ohte N, Tokuchi N, Watanabe K, Kanaiwa M, Murakami I, Lafferty K D. (2012).
Nematomorph parasites indirectly alter the food web and ecosystem function of streams through behavioural manipulation of their cricket hosts. Ecology letters, 15(8), 786-793.
- Urakawa R, Toda H, Haibara K, Aiba Y. (2012).
Long-term hydrochemical monitoring in Oyasan Experimental Forest Watershed comprised of two small forested watersheds of Japanese cedar and Japanese cypress. Ecological Research, 27, 245 (Data paper).
- 浦川梨恵子. (2012).
第23章 ミネラルの循環.(森のバランス,森林立地学会編,316pp,東海大学出版会,神奈川).244-249 (2012年4月).
- Oda T, Ohte N. and Suzuki M. (2011).
Importance of frequent storm flow data for evaluating changes in stream water chemistry
following clear-cutting in Japanese headwater catchments. Forest Ecology and Management, 262, 1305-1317.